Reflection: Nothing, just dust

Reading one of visitors’ blog who visits my own blog, it opens my heart and mind, and makes me realizes that actually human is nothing. We are not more than dust that always gone with the wind trying to find out a right place to stop and finally we find that there is no other place than earth. So that, as a human, we should not be arrogance and thinking that we are the best, as in the end, we will come back to earth. Here is the complete text that I have translated into English:
I’m no more than dust which adheres on the branch of tree. As dust, it is not appropriate if I am side by side with the green leaves, blossom flowers, fresh fruits, the strong stem, root, and branches of a tree. However, dust is still dust that always follows the wind and adheres on the green leaves, flowers, tree, and so on.
I am no more than dust that adheres on the bough of the tree, which is anytime can be lost in the rain and down to earth. Actually, the essence of the dust is ground. It is only because of the arrogance that makes dust leaving, for becoming free and gone with the wind. But at the end, it will come back again to earth, as it is its destiny.
I am dust on the tree, and till this time can see how the green bud grows from the branch, and then becomes yellow, and finally fall down to earth. As dust, I also can see how the bud grows up and then crack apart becoming a fresh fruit. I also can see how the fruits are picked by human or ate by bats and birds, and even which falls down to earth as it is already spoiled.
Besides, I also can see how the branch becomes old and dry, and finally peeled off and falling down to earth.
I don’t know, whether the rain will makes me down to earth, or the old and dry branch which I adhere to will makes me fall down, or maybe the wind will take me and put me on the other tree. Nobody knows…as the future is a bundle of many possibilities.
By this, I realize that not only the dust that come back to earth, but also the leaves, beautiful flowers, fresh fruits, even the stem and any part of the tree. It is only a matter of time.
I am just dust on the tree. But I’m not a usual dust, I’m a witness of history. I have witted the born, the death, leaving and coming. I am dust that feel how happy and amazing the birth and coming, how hurt and sad the death and leaving. But, it is the way of life, birth is followed by death, and coming is followed by leaving.
I also like that, I born and come. And in one time, I will die and gone. It is just a matter of time.
The birth is followed by death, and death will be followed by the new birth.
The coming is followed by leaving, and leaving will be followed by the new coming.
It is just a matter of time…